Honestly, I have a dilemma about this blog.
I had so many thoughts running in my mind and I just could not find the one thing that could be the subject of this blog. I plan to make a blog at least every other day (subject to change), but all the good topics I want to talk about right now are coming into my mind like I am uploading them all at the same time and I cannot find the right ones to download into this post right now.
Won't your brain slow down with all the thoughts coming in? Mine did, and it took me hours to finally get back on track and do this. This was where I realized that you cannot register all thoughts from all corners of the planet at once. Whatever that thought is and where that is coming I cannot really describe. When you do entertain them at once, you become confused, you get a headache and you get lost with what you have to do.
I can relate to this moment when I saw a book at the mall. It made me feel ecstatic to buy. It was affordable based on the money I have on my wallet, and the title was catchy enough to make me want to read it. As soon as I was about to make my move to pick the book up, move to the cashier, make my payment, and leave, thoughts started to invade my mind in all shapes and sizes.
- Is this book really worth reading?
- What if I won't enjoy reading it?
- Is that why I came to the mall for? To buy that?
- The book only has a few pages. If I finish it in less than an hour, will it be worth buying it?
- Even worse: Will I still be able to go home after I buy this? (Seriously, this was in my mind that time.)
So I bought the book...
Sometimes it takes courage to do and solve the simplest dilemmas of life. After buying the book, my friend came over and asked me how it felt. At first I can't really explain, but then it was like I finally removed the monkey off my back and get back. Those agonizing minutes of thinking it over, asking for advice, hesitating on picking it up were finally over. Finally, it was time to go back to what I was actually doing in the mall - attending The Feast.
Eliminate doubts before they take over
I am definite that I'm not the one who only experiences this. We are faced with situations where we want something so bad, but negative thoughts start to cloud our minds, thinking that it may not be a sound decision to make. Even from buying the book, choosing the right brand for your mobile phone, finding the right fit for your pants, or selecting the right restaurant to have dinner with the family, these are just ordinary scenarios that even negativity finds its way in. If these thoughts come out in everyday living, is it even possible that they try to take over situations that can most probably define our careers or future?
Of course it does. Here are some examples:
In pursuing a sales job, one may start to think of "can I really reach the company's required quota?", "is my competition really that good?", or "will I ever close a sale within a period of time so I won't get fired?".
As you attempt to start a business, thoughts of "will the people buy my products?", "will I be able to market myself and the business to everyone effectively?", "what if I don't see profit within 4-6 months?" start to surface.
When a friend comes over to help you save and start investing, and you become intrigued with the idea, you will be like "Save? I can't even set aside money for my own because of my small salary", "maybe I'll only save/invest when things get better or I get promoted in my job", "If I save that much every month, will I still have enough money for my daily expenses" or "I don't want to invest. Are you sure it's just safe because I can't afford to lose my money to it?".
Friend, even in big time situations, negative thoughts try to persuade you from not doing them. I don't think the problem is in the company you are applying a job for, the business you want to go into, the people you want to work together with, or the kind of lifestyle you want.
The problem is inside you. Your mind in specific.
As long as you keep entertaining thoughts that try to ruin your decision-making, you will surely not go to a level that you want to achieve. Sometimes I don't understand why people think of having a comfortable life, with everything they need and want for themselves and their families, yet they are doing nothing to make it happen because of the "self-objections" they have in them. No matter how much positive advice you are getting, your mind is saying otherwise.
When you want something in life, no one is stopping you. Eliminate those doubters - not just outside of you, but more importantly inside of you - that make you unsure and confused about what to do. Choose to set your mind on something that will give you self-worth and take action steps in achieving it. Follow your "gut feeling" when you know that it will soon make you a better person.
Slowly, but surely and effectively, you will recognize these negative thoughts that run your mind. One by one, ignore them and the path to where you want to go will be clear. It won't be easy at first, but when you get the feel of it, I can be sure you're on your way to your chosen destination.
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