17 April 2013

Some [Financial] Safety & Security, Please (5)

Basically, the main uses of life insurance are for protection of yourself, your family and your assets, and investment to provide you with long term savings and a comfortable retirement with the cash values and dividends that have accumulated over the years.

Now people have come to ask this one question: When is the right time to get life insurance?

To answer that, we always start with WHY.

WHY should I get life insurance? WHY is it really important to get one? WHY, do you think it would really benefit me?

I believe my previous posts on financial safety and security through this instrument has been well-explained. If not yet, feel free to contact me.

So back to WHEN.

When exactly do you need to have one?

My answer: When you don't need it yet.

Here's an analogy: Imagine taking an early morning jog around in your neighborhood, and you notice that one of your neighbors has a dog that is just as big as you and ready to strike you when the owner isn't watching. Now you were already told by the owner that a big stick would be good enough to drive the dog away, so you brought along one. Now you hope that you don't need it. The important thing is you are prepared.

In a parallel situation, this time you are too complacent on your morning jog that you didn't bring along with you a big stick, and you saw the dog unleashed. What do you do next? Now you scramble to find the one thing that protects you when the unforeseen event has taken place.

My point is: I believe in a saying that "it is better to have it (life insurance) and not need it, THAN to need it and not have it."

Take 2: As people get sick, seek consultation, get involved in some accident or even worst, face an inevitable death, the one of the things that they would first look into is the financial capacity to pay up for the expenses incurred. And for a family who is not well-equipped with savings, investments, or even insurance, they could definitely pay the price and end up borrowing money or find some other means to get money.

However, if you have already equipped yourself with the financial armor (insurance), you are well prepared from anything that can go wrong with you financially. That is, of course, if your coverage is good enough to cover it.

In short: The late Stephen Covey would say it in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Be Proactive, which means to control of the situation rather than respond to it (reactive).

As a doctor would later say it: Prevention is better than cure.

Take massive action on the road to financial safety and security.

Looking forward to meet you.

P.S. If you want to know more about the plans and services which I can provide for you to secure your family and provide a bright future by making your money grow and work harder, visit the Investment Plans tab above or just click HERE. It is never too late to make that next step in building a solid financial foundation on the road to wealth. 

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